Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Will You Be My Love and Enter into My Heart?
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on January 24, 2025

John 16:27 For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have come to believe that I came from God.
Today, daughter My heart is open, it is open to all so they may enter into My love. I desire for you to promote this love, let Me begin.
Children, My love for you is great, My heart is full of this love for you. Will you be My love and enter into My heart? There you will find My Will full of peace, and unity always abounding with love. I am here waiting My children, for this is the time when you need My love, and this is the place where you will find the love that no one else can give. I have given you everything you need, and it is within My heart. I give you this love, so you become one with Me. The Father has allowed this love to flow, and He is the bearer and source of this love, all for you children.
My sons and daughters continue your acts of love, by entering into My heart, always seeking My Will. The Spirit who produces this continual flame of love will ignite all other hearts who desire to enter into My heart. I give this freely to you, for this is a flame of love in My Will, produced and generated by the love of the Father, to sanctify humanity.
My children, believe and know that I am with you, I am sending My Holy Spirit and it shall be with you until the end of time. This gift that I give will allow humanity to be enlightened and purified in My Truth, a truth that only I can give; this is My Will and know that you will be made whole in this gift. The Will of the Father which was given to Luisa will be made whole in you and you will be a testament to this age of purification to bring about the kingdom of the Divine Will. Tomorrow children will be just another day in time, but today in your acts you can build and rebuild your community with acts of love for Me and all humanity. Purity comes from the heart, that is why all hearts must be made pure to become one within the kingdom. I will purify each one of you by My truth. The kingdom comes as does each one of you who enter My heart full of love.
May My peace be with you and may My Will always be in you. The Father calls his children to love and, in this love, all will become one, for I am with you always.
Jesus, your Crucified King ✟
As I finished writing today’s message, I stood up and looked out the window and saw the snow gently falling and I heard Jesus speak:
New beginnings, the firmament has broken through, and grace comes to America and My nation will be made new again in My name. Children of America your prayers have been answered. Pray for this New America of My Will.
Source: ➥